Friday, April 22, 2011

According to Old Wives Tales...

I am having a girl because the heartbeat is consistently above 140.

I am having a boy because I am carrying low (supposedly, this one is debatable since I have no torso to begin - this one may therefore be flawed).

I am having a girl because I am craving sweet things like fruit and orange juice. Oh and sweet tea. Can't get enough sweet tea.

I am having a boy because I am eating a lot of salty and sour things like my beloved salt n vinegar chips and sweet tarts.

I am having a girl because I prefer to sleep on my right side.

I am having a boy because I am wanting a lot of cheese. And meat (but only red meat).

I am having a girl because the Mayan's predicted that if the mother's age at conception and the year of conception are both even or odd numbers that the baby is female.

I am having a boy because the Chinese prediction chart tells me so.

I am having a girl because another Chinese prediction chart tells me so.

I am having a boy because my belly looks like a basketball (although my dad said it looks like I swallowed a watermelon whole and a watermelon shaped belly means girl...)

I am having a girl because I have had terrible skin issues since becoming pregnant and apparently girls steal a mother's beauty.

I am having a boy because I picked up a key on the table from the widest end.

I am having a girl because my face has gotten fuller (isn't that just because I am swelling and retaining water everywhere?).

I am having a boy because my legs have gotten bigger (again, pretty sure it's the obnoxious amount of swelling that's going on from being on my feet all day).

I am having a girl because I had bad morning sickness.

I am having a boy because I am clumsy during pregnancy (maybe that's because I no longer have the same center of gravity?)

I am having a girl because I won't eat the ends of the loaf of bread (didn't do that before hand though...)

Ok so given all of that information, what do you think? Conflicted much?

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